I’ve not been that busy today, having no work at the Coffee Shop, it’s raining and from having nothing major planned. I had woken up and was ravenous for some breakfast food but felt a little groggy so instead of making my breakfast first I had a bubble bath and a sing, for sure that did make me feel a lot better and knocked the zombie right out of me!
So after my bath and getting dressed I made myself a clean breakfast and a strong, cinnamon cappucino! Ryvita, philladelphia cheese and cherry tomatoes go together perfectly. Of course whilst eating breakfast I have to catch-up with any television that I’ve missed and this morning it happened to be New Girl, a bit’o Jessica Day and Nick Miller.

I have a few exciting things to mention (a few for the blog and a few personal):

  • For my 22nd late birthday gift my kid Brother has ordered me a graphics tablet – It’ll be my first experience with one.
  • In the coming weeks there will be a Halloween styled project going on with myself, my friend Cody and her Mother’s beauty project team, so there’s that.

Pintrest was on my agenda today too, for some Halloween inspiration (costumes, decor, recipes for food and beverages and any horror films I can watch that night if I haven’t anything on my calander.) Then I thought of some blogging ideas for the future. made myself some pea and ham soup and started to watch Sleepy Hollow. I’ve paused it for now so I can watch it after I’ve finished this post and done some jobs in the house for my parents.
Is Sleepy Hollow any good? I’d like your say on this, please.

… And lastly, my creative post of the day will be a compilation of photos from the last few weeks so any of my readers can see what I’m about (mostly yummy food and as much fun with my friends and family I can squeeze into my life!)


Oh and a little inspiration picture list – I used to do this when I was using LiveJournal as my blog, and I loved looking back at the photos of the day that reflected my mood that day or just photos I liked…

Clueless - was sonst! / Clueless


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